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Cathie Smith. From Washington to Los Cabos. A Story of Success, Overcoming, and Love for the Community.

Foto del escritor: Rocio MolinaRocio Molina
Cathie Smith
Cathie Smith

Originally from Washington, United States, where she worked as an insurance agent, she arrived in Cabo San Lucas in 1982 and began her journey in the real estate world. In 1999, she decided to return to the insurance industry, specializing in international insurance.

She is an active member of the Rotary Club and is part of the Los Cabos Tomatoes women's group. Throughout her life in Los Cabos, she has stood out as an activist, providing support to various vulnerable groups in the community. She also worked as a broadcaster at Cabomil, where she shared news in English.

What motivated you to follow the path you took in your career, and how did it all begin?

My path was defined by fate. I married the owner of an insurance agency. When he suggested that I support him in the business, I initially didn’t want to because I was comfortable as a housewife. However, little by little, I got involved, and I became passionate about learning about the different areas of insurance and, most importantly, understanding how I could help people protect their assets.

Was there any woman or figure in your life who inspired you to keep going?

A great source of inspiration was my husband's aunt. She took over her husband's construction business while he was in the military during World War II. She was the first woman to obtain a construction license in California in the 1940s, which was a remarkable achievement for a woman at that time.

What have been the biggest challenges you have faced in your professional journey, and how did you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges was when my husband passed away at the age of 37 due to heart disease. Suddenly, I was at the helm of the business, unprepared for it. However, with the emotional support from his aunt, a few key conversations, and a lot of determination, I was able to overcome that adversity.

How do you describe your personal process of finding balance between your professional and personal life?

This remains a challenge in my life. I’m a very hardworking person, and I like to meet my commitments and satisfy others' expectations. However, I made a commitment to attend at least one social activity every week to maintain a healthy balance between my professional and personal life.

Your work has inspired many people, what message would you like to leave for future generations of women?

My message is clear: always follow your dreams of self-improvement. Being a wife, mother, and housewife is a very noble role, but it’s also essential to know how to stand on your own and keep moving forward if life leaves us alone.

What has been your greatest achievement so far, and why is it so meaningful to you?

My greatest achievement is not related to my professional career but to my social work. I have had the privilege of helping a generation of low-income students from the KidSmart Optimist Club program finish high school and continue their education. Today, 36 of them are well-prepared men and women, many with professional degrees, families, and their own homes.

What advice would you give to young women who want to follow in your footsteps?

I would tell them not to let anyone steal their dreams and to never give up, no matter how difficult the obstacles may seem.

In difficult times, how do you keep your motivation and vision clear?

On my desk, I have signs with the words “Prioritize” and “Discipline,” which constantly remind me to focus on what is essential and be consistent in my efforts.

Is there anything you wish you had known when you started that you now consider essential?

Without a doubt, it would have been valuable to learn how to manage money effectively, with a focus on savings and retirement plans. These are tools that not only protect personal futures but also offer security and stability during unexpected times.

How do you think your story can help empower other women to pursue their dreams?

I believe my story can show that when life presents challenges, we all have within us the strength and ability to reinvent ourselves and create a new destiny. No matter what happens, we can always move forward.


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Cabo Business Class Magazine es una revista digital con notas de actualidad de la industria: Hotelera, restaurantera, turística, de negocios, wellness, bonvivant y personalidades de los Cabos, BCS.

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